Thoughts from Ann McArdle, director of Sand Castles

Sand Castles is the last play of our 2023/2024 season – a very British comedy by Bob Larbey, a master of this particular genre.
What memories do we all have of a true British beach holiday, something the type of which you would never find anywhere else in the world?
Where else would you find deck chairs, donkey rides, Punch and Judy shows, candy floss, sticks of sugary rock, and fish and chips in abundance? Did you go as a child, like I did, with your family, armed with your bucket and spade, where you were allowed to have fun burying your dad or granddad up to his neck in sand, or building sandcastles which eventually got washed away by the tide?

Perhaps you had a beach hut which your family owned or rented, which meant you could safely go to the beach every day, even if the weather changed and the rain came down like stair rods. You could still be there in the fresh air having fun.
So, what is our aim in doing this play? Simply to entertain you.
In our daily lives, thanks to modern technology, we are bombarded by all the awful cruel, tragic, and criminal things that are going on at home and around the world, and we cannot avoid it.
With Sand Castles, we want to transport you away from all that for just a couple of hours or so. All we want to do is give you an opportunity to relax and laugh out loud – something we all need more of.
Ann McArdle

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