The details are not the details. They make the design. Charles Eames
If you have ever sat in the audience and felt totally immersed in the setting and period of the play, it is not by accident. A team of people work tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure that every detail is correct.
Are the costumes correct for the period? When did we change from white £5 notes? Can you have a Tiffany lamp in a play from the 1850’s? All these and more are constantly being considered in order to make the production believable when it reaches the stage.
But it is not just the small items that make the difference. Occasionally it can be something large that can make the focal point of a stage set…
ARTIST Colin Chesterton produced a spectacular 12ft high painting of one of England’s most controversial monarchs, Henry VIII, to take centre stage in our 1994 production of “A Man For All Seasons”.
The image of the monarch was a copy of the famous painting usually attributed to the artist Hans Holbein, although Colin admitted to “brightening up the colours a bit for the stage presentation”. It was so large Colin had to work in the theatre bar to keep out of the way of everyone who was rehearsing.
The picture was painted on gauze (adding an extra level of complexity to an already immense task for Colin), as opposed to canvas so that it could be faded out during different scenes in the production. When complete, the painting was incorporated into the set (designed by play director Mr Brian Hadley).
The picture was painted on gauze (adding an extra level of complexity to an already immense task for Colin), as opposed to canvas so that it could be faded out during different scenes in the production. When complete, the painting was incorporated into the set (designed by play director Mr Brian Hadley).

Can You Help?
True to Rep tradition, everything has to be just right.
In our latest production, Funny Money, a cuckoo clock has a minor role. Our very own props maker (and Assistant Director!), Ray Vernon, has made a stunning copy of a Bavarian cuckoo clock but is missing the final details – the figures that add the decoration. If you have anything that you think may be suitable, we would love to hear from you.
If you can help with this, or would just like to be part of our team, please complete this form or email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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